Monday, December 26, 2016

Seven Story Christmas Tree

I wrote this song last weekend and had it all ready to share on Christmas Eve Eve, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but somehow it never felt like the right time. Well, at least I'll have something for next year.

I wrote it thinking of when my wife and I were dating, that time when making my wife laugh was one of my biggest goals in life. Being silly came easy then; now it's takes work to be lighthearted. But even going to the grocery store by ourselves can seem romantic if you have the right mindset.

Just because we met today
Doesn't mean it can't last forever
The lights and the music
Didn't mean much yesterday
It's Christmas Eve, let's celebrate

I was also thinking of that scene in Elf where Buddy the elf and Jovie go out for the first time. It's one of my favorite scenes from any movie, with You Make Me Feel So Young as the background song.

It's no secret that I like your smile
And we can walk the shops together
I'll wear your mittens, 
You wear my big gloves
It's Christmas Eve, let's celebrate

Christ Child and Nativity
Seven story Christmas tree
Skating and hot cocoa
Like living in a snow globe
Yesterday was dull and gray
Now the colors of your pretty face
Bring the city back to life
Now it's good-bye for tonight...

Hope you enjoy the song throughout the year.

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