Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Shaving and Daydreaming:

The line originally went: "All the ketchup bottles that have come and gone," but that seemed more comic than sad. Then it was "All the hot sauce bottles..." That seemed like bragging.

Finally I searched for a mental image to accompany shaving. For a while now I've made brushing my teeth part of my daily hygiene routine. And it seems like I'm always running out of toothpaste. I know, the experts recommend using only a pea-sized portion, but I find that... Let's move on.

I've deleted you, repeatedly
Don't you remember? I'm the enemy.
All the toothpaste tubes that have come and gone
Since I said something wrong
Shaving and daydreaming
Blood drips on the porcelain...

I don't know if anyone else can relate, but I've had my share of happy, beautiful afternoons that somehow turned into sullen, unpleasant drives home. Half of these occurrences were due to a thoughtless comment on my part: criticism, talking about an old relationship, etc. OK, ALL of these occurrences. I'm a man. But I can change. If I have to. I guess.

Plaid blanket, picnic in the shade
You laugh eating watermelon, I like the way you fold your legs
All the sudden showers that have come and gone
Since I said something wrong
Animals strike curious poses
Awkward silence on the way back home...

I've always wanted to get that line from "When Doves Cry" into one of my songs. Finally I found the correct context, so it's my small tribute to Prince.

In the flashback/daydream, I wanted to talk about that incredible feeling of elation in a new relationship, where everything seems possible. Everywhere you go together is fantastic. The clouds seem majestic, spectacular. You may own next to nothing, but it feels like you're royalty.

We tasted unknown flavors, 
King and queen of the city
The earth and moon were yours and mine

Mixed undiscovered colors
Endless fields of corn and wheat
Cloud castles to rule the sky

I live in the country, surrounded by horses, corn and soybeans. I have not seen wheat growing nearby for several years. I guess I could have used "endless fields of corn and soy." But somehow the word "soy" doesn't have the right seriousness to it. Maybe because it rhymes wth "toy."

What remains after a dream ends? That's the image I was trying to capture here:

I hold the ashes in my hand
What's left of our imaginary land
I hold the ashes in my hand
What's left of our imaginary land...

Now that I think about it, those would be imaginary ashes. Which are a lot easier to clean up than real ashes. I'm probably overthinking it.

Thanks for reading and listening!

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